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The Australia and New Zealand Electrotechnology Training Alliance

Supporting Australia and New Zealand

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The Australia and New Zealand Electrotechnology Training Alliance (ANZETA) is a not-for-profit organisation which has been formed by specialist electrotechnology based Group Training Organisations (GTOs) and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) for the purpose of:

  1. apprenticeanzeta.pngHaving a strong and combined voice to promote member GTOs and RTOs across Australia and New Zealand;
  2. Setting standards of excellence for ANZETA organisations;
  3. Working together to create a sustainable industry environment for electrotechnology GTOs and RTOs;
  4. Ensuring communication, cooperation and collaboration in the interests of improving member operations; and

Representing 4000 employed apprentices and trainees, 7000 apprentices in training and over 1000 businesses, ANZETA is recognised in Australia and New Zealand as a progressive group that promotes excellence in electrotechnology employment, training and development. 

ANZETA members have a strong focus on planning for the future of our industry, in order to embrace and capitalise on changes and opportunities. As the first trans-Tasman electrotechnology alliance, ANZETA ensures that the training provided to apprentices and trainees in Australia and New Zealand is relevant and assists and supports members to continuously improve their businesses.